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Fortune City for what it's worth All Ah! Megamisama Images copyright Kyosuke Fujishima, Afternoon KC, Dark Horse/Studio Proteus/Kodansha Ltd., Animeigo, and I don't know who else! Ranma 1/2 images, characters and concepts copyright Rumiko Takahashi, Shonen Sunday Comics, VIZ, and a few others. ![]() Ranma & Anime LinksThe Ranma 1/2 Gallery Anime Network Information Site The Ranma 1/2 Project (translations!) Maps of the Tendo Dojo Virtual Tendo Home Project Anime Web Turnpike Masato's Anime/Manga Launch Base Anime Pitstop Otakuworld The FFML Resources Guide Fanfiction LinksRanma Fanfic ArchivesR.A.A.C. FTP Archives Fan Fiction Mailing List FFML Archives FFML Synopses Lists FFML Member Web Pages The FFML Author's Encyclopedia The Ranma 1/2 Library Best Of Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction Awards Taleswapper's Best Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction JP's Ranma 1/2 Fanfiction Reviews Anime/Manga Fanfiction On The Net FFML Mini-Archive Shunsuke's Consise Guide to Better Fanfic Writing ![]() |
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Updated 3-17-01
Ranma 1/2: Monkey Head Butting!This is a mostly original flavor story set near the end of the series. People seem to think it's funny... luckily, that was my intent. ^_^ This story is 9 parts total. These files are in html. Enjoy! And if you don't, write me anyway!
Ranma 1/2: I Can See Clearly Now!Co-plotted with Sky and Jeff. this is also an original flavor story, in five parts. I'll have part four out in... well, who knows? Sky is definately not working on the illustrations, the bum.
Ranma 1/2: Seven Fiancees
Ranma 1/2 & Multi-Crossover: Muyami Academy
Ranma 1/2: Both HalvesBenares did not complete his story, but I really liked the basic idea of splitting Ranma into two separate people, one cured forever, one cursed forever. Benares's story is very well written, but after due consideration I thought that, instead of trying to continue and complete it, I would rather write the whole thing again from a slightly different angle. In any case I'm generally more partial to a well-written prose story; whether that is what we have here is for you to decide. How far will Ranma go to be free of his curse? Will he doom another one of him to be a girl forever? If the trap is of his own making, then can he live with the results? Or can he even learn to enjoy life as a girl? Those are some of the questions I want to explore. And yes, Ranma thinks a lot more in this story than he ever did in the manga. My plot idea wouldn't even work otherwise. I"ve also read David Johnson's "Bie Liao", two short prose chapters that continue Benares's story. I found them on Benares's web page. (For that matter, I've discovered that my page follows Benare's in the Anime Fan Fiction Ring. You can get there by hitting "previous page". ^_^ ) These two chapters are nicely written but short and don't wrap anything up, although they point the way to a potential end. Benares's story is written very much in the tradition of the original manga, and therefore I have the feeling that the best ending for it would be to somehow bring the whole episode to a close and return things to the way they were at the beginning, which is not where David was going. I decided to start with a clean slate. Roy Rims's "Split Personalities" was a marginal influence... he creates two Ranmas by means of water from the spring of drowned twins. Roy's story involves lemon scenes that even he eventually admits are contrived, and later there's a massive combat tournament that goes nowhere. I liked the idea that Ukyo becomes Ranma-chan's closest friend, and I liked that Kasumi takes Ranma-chan under her wing, but otherwise there wasn't too much here that inspired me. After writing the first chapter, I read Mark Visser's story "Anything Can Happen Martial Arts" which ends unfinished after two chapters. In Mark's story Ranma left home with his father for good at age six, and Nodoko learned soon after that she was pregnant. Ranma finds out at age 16 that he has a 10-year-old sister named Noriko, who happens to look an awful lot like his female self, but younger. I liked Mark's Noriko character so much that I've borrowed her for my own tale. Strangely enough, her name appears in the first chapter of my story... Ranma reflects that he can't imagine himself as a Yoiko or a Noriko, so he's resigned to being a Ranko... Now, Yoiko was the name he claimed when he pretended to be Ryoga's little sister, but I pulled Noriko out of thin air, not realizing that it would turn out to be his sister's name... can't you just feel the mystic forces at work? ^_^ Of course, I don't have part 2 ready for you yet. To be honest, I've written a great deal on it but it's all directionless... I need to pull back and find a focus for the next several parts, as I'm not entirely sure where I want to go with all of this... This is a text only file.
Ranma 1/2: Dr. Tofu Is Still Struggling In His Fight To Remain DeadWhy would I do this? I found the original hilarious -- not because it's a funny story, but because it even exists at all. Talk about stupid! I laughed pretty hard. And then I thought, you know, the only thing that would be stupider would be a sequel.. In the original story, no one notices that Dr. Tofu is gone. I've reinterpreted this to mean no one _important_ ever notices. In otherwords, all of the useless, background, and forgotten characters are free to notice, along with any characters that I create on the spot. You needn't take this very seriously. ^_^ I'll have this posted by... well, hopefully soon. Daniel, by the way, has been by, and had this to say: I cant believe you're writing a sequel to my FicHe went on to say that, aside from a flame from the president of the Dr. Tofu fan club, he's gotten zero response to his story. He ended with an inspiring quote: "Tragedy is when I cut my finger... Comedy is when I fall Into an open sewer and die"I sent him a copy of my half-finished sequel -- he's the only one to see it so far -- but he never wrote back. Oh, well. Meanwhile, here's Daniel "Yoshimato X" Gallagher's strange story:
The Soul Of A Samurai
DarkThis story was written in response to a challenge on the FFML mailing list. The idea was to write an entire story using one-syllable words. Quite a few authors responded to this, and I'm not at all sure that I was particularly more successful than the others. In fact, I'm not all that excited about the results. In HTML format.
Short-Shorts, Spamfics & Stupid StuffIncidentally, if you've read my little essay on short-shorts vs. spamfics over on Saotendo's Fan Fiction page, most of what follows here qualifies as "spamfic" rather than "short-short". In other words, these are all written as jokes, and for no other purpose... well, "Best Man" is a short-short, and "A Different Kind Of Curse" probably is, too. ^_^ I like to write short-shorts (stories of just a few thousand words). They're actually harder to write well than you might at first think.
Non-Fanfiction Stuff:
A Few Credits![]() Miko
Cool Artists!Tom's a way-cool artist and, hey! He put pictures of Ryo-Crowley up! (I'm not even going to attempt to explain Ryo-Crowley to you). He's a player in my Teenagers From Outer Space rpg campaign, and he's involved in the Tai-Pan. April Lee -- Fantasy Art and Illustration April is a seriously way-cool artist. I met her through Elfquest fandom, and she's involved with the Tai-Pan Project (she recently illustrated two of my short-shorts!). She's pro now, with almost no time at all to do fan stuff anymore. She asked me to link her page so that people will go see it. Although she likes some anime, her art's not heavily anime influenced, but trust me, she's good, and a very nice person besides!
Cool Fanfic Writers!
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