Seven Fiancées

M A Davis / Miko

Character List

        This is a very rough guide. Eventually I'll have a bigger write-up and images of all of the characters, but for now my notes are all you get, and be aware that future plots hang on some of what's written here, and other things written here may change drastically as I write.

The Saotome Clan

        Ranma Saotome Ranma Saotome is the undisputed masterl of Anything Goes Martial Arts, now that Happosai is dead. It's true that he still has to acknowledge his father and father-in-law as the heads of the school, but nobody seriously kids themself that anyone is better at it than Ranma. He runs a successful school, with 8-15 students at any given time, and several of his past students are now talented martial artists in their own right.

        Akane Saotome

        Yori Saotome Age 18. The eldest of the Saotomes, she's tall, lithe, beautiful, and vain. Dyes her hair light brown or blonde. A talented martial artist but more of a student than a fighter; she uses martial arts to keep herself in shape, and will fight with only great reluctance. Never-the-less, she's nearly as good as her younger sisters, lacking only the practical experience of having been in a lot of fights. Yori plans to use her looks and martial arts talent as a springboard to an acting or modelling career. Also a clothes horse, fashion-conscious.

        Keiko Saotome
Age 16. One of twin red-heads, Keiko hates boys and is a phenomenal martial artist. Takes after both Akane and Ranma-chan. Quick temper. Considered the best of the girls because she fights so much. Can not swim.

        Karu Saotome
Age 16. The reasonable one of the two twins, but also a formidable martial artist. Actually smarter and more competent than any of her sisters, but cursed with the worst luck in the world. Sometimes dresses as a boy, in order to look different from Keiko.

        Akara Saotome
Age 16. Same age as the twins, for reasons that only their parents can properly explain. Dark-haired, like Akane, Akara is an especially good martial artist with a cruel streak. She studies with Shampoo when she can, and plays with potions and poisons. Reads quite a bit on esoteric topics, and practices black magic, only slightly more successfully than Gosunkuji. Is just a little bit too scary for most boys. Mistress of hidden weapons and dirty tricks, has taken great painss to learn from Mousse, Shampoo, and Genma. Even knows the dreaded happokadairen. Known to pull some of the strangest things from her oversized purse/black bag.

        Nanae Saotome
Age 13. The youngest of the Saotomes is the one who takes after her aunt Kasumi. She's a lot like Sasami of Tenchi Muyou in a way, has dark red hair in two thick pony-tails.

        Grandfather Saotome

        Grandmother Saotome

        Grandfather Tendo

        Nabiki Tendo

        Grandfather Happosai (deceased)

The Ono Clan

        Dr. Tofu Ono

        Kasumi Ono

        Shin Ono
Age 17. The only son of a Tendo sister, wants to be a vetrinarian. Abhors violence.

        Mitsuko Ono
Age 16. Takes very much after both her parents. A skilled cook who knows a great deal about pressure points, can be very shy around boys. Sunny and dense, like her mother.

        Yomiko Ono
Age 14. A hellion, with a quick temper and Akane-like strength. Perhaps too mercurial to be a serious student of anything, but a talented martial artist in her own right. Potentially more dangerous than any of the Saotome sisters, because she's fearless, and considers danger fun. Sort of the female equivelant of Calvin (from Calvin & Hobbes), she is everything you would never expect in a child of Kasumi and Tofu.

The Hibiki Clan

        Ryoga Hibiki

        Akari Hibiki

        Kaname Hibiki Age 19. A big lug, built like a linebacker or a lumberjack, and far stronger than he realizes (much stronger than his father). He's a skilled martial artist but has a poet's heart and does not enjoy violence. He spends his time travelling the world, taking photographs, and writing for travel journals. Always carries a camera and a notebook, very introspective. He's inherited his father's curse of getting lost, but with a twist: he's actually something of an idiot-savaant, as he has an innate knack for knowing exactly where he is at all times, but still can't find his way to anywhere else. Travels with a samurai pig. Has been to Jusenkyo, and wrote an article on it for National Geographic, but the article was suppresed by the Chinese government and Jusenkyo was declared a state secret. Kaname is not cursed.

        Sakara Hibiki
Age 17. The pure farmer of the trio, and the biggest hick. Slow, countrified, but in the end not stupid, and an especially leathal warrior. His specialty is farm implements. He has his father's full lack of directional sense. Transforms into the same beast that Pantyhose transforms into, because he and Kaname have been to Jusenkyo, and he's no fool.

        Shuichiro Hibiki
Age 16. The skinny one of the three, but the one most focused on martial arts, to the exclusion of almost anything else. He's a lot like a young Ranma, very good and well aware of it. He rarely loses, and will work like hell to beat his opponent the next time. Has a big weakness for action films, especially really bad ones, and as a consequence is a bit of a geek around girls (as per Ranma). His lack of direction is not as strong as his father's, very minor, in fact; with a map he's just fine. He's also as dense as his father, and easily fooled. Shuichiro is not cursed -- yet.

Kunoji Family and Employees

        Ukyo Kunoji

        Konatsu Kunoji (deceased)

        Masaaki Kuonji (Ukyo's son)
Age 16. Long-haired, looks a lot like his mother did at his age, which means he's very beautiful and somewhat androgynous. A very talented martial artist. An excellent cook, heir to his mother's style of okonomiyaki-chef martial arts as well as his father's kunoichi ninjitsu styles. Strong and brave, but has an irrational fear of snakes, frogs, spiders, and assorted bugs. Has been known to disguise himself, very successfully, as a girl... but doesn't make a habit of it. Is in love with Keiko, but can't tell the difference between her and Karu. Generally polite and well-spoken, but dangerous when angered. Writes bad love poetry to Keiko, and invariably gives it to Karu.
        Notes: Although others have said otherwise, Konatsu does not have a given family name. She/he introduces herself by saying: <Kunoichi Konatsu kenzan!< which translates something as: <The female ninja, Konatsu, stands before you!> Neither Kunoichi nor Kenzan are part of Konatsu's name. Konatsu's style is not described in the manga, but the family business was 'O-Iroke Kissa Kunoichi' -- 'Sexy Teahouse Female Ninja.' She is also described as a 'Hyakunen ni hitori no tensai kunoichi' (i.e. a genius kunoichi of the sort that comes along once in a century) by Happosai. (Thanks to David Johnston for much of this information).

        Limo Driver Yaba

        Miko, Ukyo's private secretary

The Kuno Clan

        Tatewaki Kuno

        Kuno's American wife

        Franklin "Frankule" Kuno Age 17. Tanned, blond haired, rides a motorcycle. Arrogant martial artist and all-around bully, but very talented and not without his good points. Likes to push people's buttons, a bit of a jerk. Is in love with all four of the older Tendo sisters, and cannot decide which one he loves most. Likes to go by his Hawaiian nickname, Frankule. (FRANK-oo-ley) given to him by his fellow students in Hawaii. Being a typical arrogant Kuno, he never bothered to learn much Hawaiian, and still hasn't figured out that 'ule' is hawaiian for 'penis'...

        Kodachi Kuno

        Principal Kuno, The Big Kahuna

Chinese Amazons

        Cologne If she wasn't before, Cologne is now the undisputed most-powerful elder in the Amazon village. She is older than any other, and more clever than any other. Still, she has her enemies within her tribe, who plot behind her back and wait for her to die. Shampoo's failure is an albatross about her neck, and while she is not an evil person (unlike the Cologne in some fics), she will move heaven and earth to regain some of the honor lost in the Shampoo/Ranma fiasco.

        Shampoo After Ranma married Akane, Shampoo refused to kill him and was officially banished from the Amazon tribe. She went into a funk, refusing to marry anyone else. Cologne finally gave up on her and moved back to China, leaving her with Mousse. Over the years, Mousse and Shampoo have continued to run the Nekohanten, and have settled into an arrangement that works for both of them. They have one daughter, but have never been officially married.

        Mousse Mousse is happy, because he got the one thing he wanted in life: Shampoo. The fact that they're not actually married does bother him, but he's reconciled himself to their little arrangement. He hasn't changed a great deal over the years, although he's a bit calmer and more level-headed (yeah, right...).

        Gel Age 15, daughter of Shampoo and Mousse. Not a martial artist, which upsets Cologne to no end ("couldn't even raise their daughter right"). Wears thick glasses, is a genius extraordinaire, with a lab where she experiments and a computer which she uses to hack systems all over the world. As with Washu, she has a healthy opinion of her own genius. She's also in love with Razor, but he despises her for being an outcast and a weakling.


        Razor Arrives in Nerima with the Jusenkyo curse of transforming into a cabbit (tragic story of cat that chase rabbit into pool...). "Son" of Link, Shampoo's sworn enemy. Nanae likes him. Razor decides to marry Keiko, who is the greatest warrioress in his opinion -- has orders to marry one of the girls. Keiko could care less about him. He also mistakes Karu for Keiko. His secret is that he's really a girl, disguised as a boy. Even Cologne doesn't know. His mother wanted a son, so... now he has to marry a Saotome daughter, or loose face.

Other Students Of the Anything Goes School

I don't plan to develop most of these people, but they are names mentioned in the story. In fact, most of them are just names pulled from my big book of Japanese names, so you know as much about them as I do. It's concievable one or more of them will eventually be fleshed out and inserted into the story, but with as many new characters as I'm developing, I don't anticipate doing it for a long, long time. Kazayuki is a minor comic-relief character.

        Kazuyuki Tamakaji Ranma's top student at the time the story opens, large, stubborn, and only above-average. Kind of the Kuno of the story, believes he is destined to wed a Saotome and inherit the dojo.

        Kameichi Urena One of the best, and earliest, students. Married, nearly as old as Ranma himself.

        Yadori Maeno An excellent student, now pursuing a career in Hollywood.

        Mitsuki Shibu A very good student, head of Nabiki Tendo's personal security. Gay. Could wind up in a future story, although it's a long shot.

        Raita Haguri "Haguri the thief" was another talented Ranma student, who didn't turn out to be an upstanding citizen. Now in jail.

        Yoshime Oke One of Ranma's brightest students, probably the best female student he's trained.

        Aiko Katsu Another of Ranma's students of the female persuasion.


        Okosu Makimura (Natsumi's son)

        Koshihiro Sanami (Kurumi's son)

        Hachiro Shiratsu (Hinako's son)
A lecherous geek, but quite talented. Happosai has taken a liking to him. Weak-looking, like Gosunkugi. Much prefers older women, and although a young kid, has a crush on Shampoo. This angers Mousse and makes Shampoo laugh.

        Kitada-san A regular at Uchan's flagship store.

        Takayo-chan Uchan's (flagship store) beautiful waitress with light blue hair, a talented acrobat who knows some martial arts. She is, in fact, a young man, and a skillful crossdresser. Or maybe Maurice just tells people that... I haven't decided. She is Maurice's roommate.

        Maurice Watanabe
A top cook at Uchan's flagship store. A surfer, blond and tanned, an excellent cook and a good martial artist, has travelled the world and speaks a dozen languages, mostly poorly and with a foul tongue.