The Unusual Ranma 1/2 Altered Image Gallery
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Welcome to the Unusual Ranma 1/2 Altered Image Gallery!
Not your typical Ranma 1/2 image gallery!
The concept here is very simple. I like to alter images in photoshop, so everything you'll find on this page is an image which I (or someone else) has altered, mostly by swapping heads around. Sometimes the results are pleasing, sometimes they are bizaare. One thing's for sure... these images are different from what you'll find in every other Ranma 1/2 image gallery! Whether that's a good thing or not I leave up to you to judge.
For a page I put up completely to please myself, I'm surprised how many hits this site has already gotten! Thanks to those who signed the guestbook or wrote to me! I've finally done a Sailor Ranma image, but I'm not too thrilled with it. I think I need to do a better one.... ^_^
Contributions to the gallery are welcome. Write me at:

Here's some stuff I did a while ago, just for my own amusement, sort of to make some scrolling wallpaper with a bunch of characters I like rather than to make a coherent picture.

Here's some images from other people. Riding Bean Ranma is by David Rempel / Genesis and as for Devil Hunter Ranma and Dirty Pair Ranma, they're by Jordan. The Sailor Ranma pic here is by Shampoo. Sailor Ranma 3 is by [email protected]. Eva Ranma and all the ones that follow are by Thomas Stolberg who's been very prolific lately. Not all are Ranma related, but they're all pretty cool. ^_^ Oh, and the last one is a slightly altered (enhanced) version of my EVA Ranma pic above; a friend of Thomas's did that.
I also had some hentai submissions from Albert Aguilera but I couldn't open them and anyway probably wouldn't have posted them here, but his web page is at if you're interested. Oh, and even more Thomas Stolberg's "Damascus" stuff. Let's face it, he's doing a much better job at this than I've done. ^_^

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